The Global South, Zionism, and Digital Colonialism: Dr. Rachel Z. Feldman on Noahidism
It’s likely that you’ve never heard of Noahidism before: it gained traction in the late twentieth century and is today made up of only tens of thousands of followers.
GaySL Workshop GayAF
Since the talk, I have been trying to teach everyone I know the sign for lesbian.
I Wrote Smut For My Winter Term
That’s the thing about writing smut, it’s like being drunk. I can pound out 4,000 words of sex scenes in two hours easily. When I finally end the chapter, I’m elated. I’m the best writer since Stephen King got off of cocaine.
Major Ragers with Frankie Mizikowski
You might know him from his run for class representative of 2027, a campaign based on only one promise: more trash cans.
A Slight Look at the Main Street Grille
The fries were a beautiful oily gold, and were uniquely tender despite their slightly crunchy exterior. I struggle, however, to say something of the reuben.