Internship Listings
By: Arev Lima Boudakian, Contributor
We know that a lot of people are working hard to get summer internships, so we thought it would be great to post some internship listings that have deadlines which haven’t yet passed! We hope this helps!
Scent Intern for Pots and Pans-$420/hour
Go around to different places, such as college campuses, and plant our weed scent devices to make random locations smell like weed for no reason. Applications due 4/20/24.
Art Intern for Unpaid
Make sure all puzzle pieces look the same for our jigsaw puzzles. Applications due March 32nd, 2024.
Literary Intern for Hallmark-$80/hour
Ensure that all our plots don’t stray too far from the formula. If the plot does not fit the formula, you will be fined for the money we would have made on the movie, your salary will be cut in half, and you will be required to rewatch every Hallmark movie in order to relearn the formula. Qualifications: Familiarity with Hallmark movies and their basic components. Applications due May -18, 2024.
Haunting Intern for HauntedBuildingsNYC-$666/hour
Make buildings seem haunted. Responsibilities include flickering lights, knocking on walls, making random noises. Applications due Friday, March 13, 2024.
Knot Intern for NotForYou-Paid in Experience
Take people’s yarn balls and cakes and tangle them up. Bonuses available for those who do this to yarn actively being used in projects. Yarn choice will be based on the inconvenience for the yarn owner and the accessibility of the yarn for the intern. Harder to access or more inconveniencing yarn tangling will result in some bonus payments of $3/skein. Applications due April 79, 2024.
Translation Intern for WeAreARetailChain-$25/hour if you meet our expectations, otherwise unpaid
Help translate passive aggressive behavior from our customers for our cashiers. Qualifications: fluency in passive-aggressiveness. Applications due: Get it in and we’ll decide whether or not it's too late.
Materials Intern for SockProjects-$15/sock
Help collect materials for our sock sculpture by going around and indefinitely borrowing singular socks from dryers, laundromat access preferred. Applications due May 9, 2024.
Editing Intern for$3.75/hour
Go through the IDs we create and make sure that there is exactly 1 mistake per ID. Responsibilities include-Reading through ID cards to ensure that there is exactly 1 mistake per ID, but it is a different mistake on every ID. Attention to detail required. Applications due 3/17/2024.